We Have the Solution to Germany’s Carpet Waste Problem


Carpet Waste: A Challenge in Germany?

One of the biggest challenges in Germany for carpets is that every year around 400,000 tons of used carpets are discarded. This problem exists for several reasons:

  1. There is no comprehensive system for sustainability in Germany.
  2. The carpet manufacturing industry does not incorporate recyclability when designing. 
  3. Lack of proper recycling facilities.

In other words, resources are unnecessarily wasted and the environment is harmed, thereby increasing the carbon footprint. 

Here are some stats to take a look at that will give you the bigger picture on where the problem lies: 

What Happens to Carpets in Germany After Use Pie Chart

Carpet Usage by Sector

The Solution- Transitioning to a Circular Economy 

In order to solve the underlying problem of incineration and discarding carpets in a landfill (both of which lead to significant environmental harm and wastage), there are other circular options that can be used. 

The best solution is Reusing. By extending the life of carpets by professionally getting them cleaned you can save up on both resources and energy in the manufacturing process. This is because as fewer carpets are produced in order to fulfill demand, the generation of waste will be drastically decreased if carpets are used for longer periods of time. 

Our vision at Wir Reinigen Deinen Teppich is to be Germany’s leader in carpet cleaning and provide environmentally responsible services so that they contribute to your health, wellbeing, and convenience. 

The below diagrams will give you a glimpse of why you should opt for circular as compared to a linear economy!

Linear Economy


Circular Economy


It’s time to lean towards a circular economy which is a great and beneficial alternative to the traditional linear economy, where resources are used only once and then disposed of. Germany, as a country lacks natural resources and cannot afford to use them in a careless, inefficient way which is why leveraging ways to reuse carpets is a must. 

Are You Ready to Move Towards a Better Tomorrow ?! 

Get Your Carpet Cleaned Instead of Throwing It Away Today!

Ali November 12, 2020 Carpet Cleaning

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